2306 This item has been modified. Are you sure you want to delete it?
2307 Unable to successfully load all of the attached files and objects in this message.
2308 Do you want to search the remainder of the message?
2309 Do you want to continue searching at the beginning?
2310 You do not have permission to send as %s.
2311 Can't get the time stamp of %s. Windows Messaging will assume it is dirty.
2312 You will not be able to undo this operation. Do you wish to continue?
2313 You cannot do delegate access.
2314 This information has been marked as Private by its author and cannot be modified.
2315 This information has been marked as Private by its author and cannot be cut or copied.
2316 Do you want to discard changes to this item?
2317 You placed a large amount of text on the Clipboard. Do you want this text to be available to Windows Messaging or other applications after you close this Note?
2318 This message has been modified, but this message is Read-Only. Do you want to discard this modification?
2319 Do you want to save changes to this item?
2320 '%s' has been modified by another user since you opened it. Do you want to save a copy of your changes in your Inbox?
2321 '%s' has been deleted by another user since you opened it. Do you want to save a copy of your changes in your Inbox?
2322 The item may not be sent right away because the appropriate transport is not available. Do you want to queue the item anyway?
2323 The end of the text has been reached.
2324 No text was replaced.
2325 You must enter at least one name in the To, Cc, or Bcc box.
2326 Font
2327 The size must be between 1 and 1638.
2328 Directories cannot be attached.
2329 The temporary file has disappeared. Changes could not be saved.
2330 You must enter the \\computername\sharename followed by the path and filename of the file that you wish to insert as a linked attachment.
2331 %s does not exist.
2333 &File
2334 M&enu Bar
2335 &Toolbar
2336 &Formatting Toolbar
2337 Status &Bar
2338 Object
2339 &Ink Object
2340 P&ost Ctrl+Enter
2342 %s
2343 %s
2344 %s
2345 Formatted Text (RTF)
2346 Text and Objects
2347 Text
2348 Picture (Metafile)
2349 Picture (DIB)
2350 Picture (Bitmap)
2351 Package
2353 %s
2354 %s
2355 %s
2356 formatted text
2357 unformatted text plus any objects
2358 text
2359 a static picture
2360 a static picture
2361 a static picture
2362 a packaged file
2363 Auto
2364 Black
2365 Maroon
2366 Green
2367 Olive
2368 Navy
2369 Purple
2370 Teal
2371 Gray
2372 Silver
2373 Red
2374 Lime
2375 Yellow
2376 Blue
2377 Fuchsia
2378 Aqua
2379 White
2380 0%s %s Link
2381 0%s %s
2382 Con&vert
2383 Edit
2384 File
2385 Message
2386 Windows Messaging File Attachment
2387 Windows Messaging File Link Attachment
2388 Windows Messaging Embedded Message
2389 Windows Messaging Message Link
2390 File Link
2391 Message Link
2392 Insert File
2393 Insert Message
2394 All Files (*.*)#*.*#Text Files (*.txt)#*.txt#Rich Text Format (*.rtf)#*.rtf#Message Files (*.msg)#*.msg###
2395 All Files (*.*)#*.*###
2396 Temp
2397 Windows Messaging Scratchpad
2398 <<File: %s>>
2399 <<OLE Object: %s>>
2400 <<OLE Object: Unknown>>
2401 <<Message: %s>>
2404 %s has finished searching the message.
2405 %s has finished searching the selection.
2406 %s has reached the end of the message.
2407 The search item was not found.
2408 %ld items were replaced.
2409 1 item was replaced.
2410 OK
2411 There are too many characters for the edit text window. Try reducing your selection size.
2412 There are objects in the selection you are editing. If you continue, you will lose your objects.\nContinue ?
2414 Sending
2415 Saving
2416 Posting
2417 (Read-Only)
2418 on behalf of
2419 An error has occurred which prevents this message from remaining open, and changes cannot be saved. Do you want to copy the text in this message to the clipboard?
2420 %liK (contains %li included file(s))
2421 %li bytes (contains %li included file(s))
2422 %liK
2423 %li bytes
2424 "%s"
2425 %s Folder
2426 %s [Store]
2427 Under Composition
2428 Windows Messaging
2429 Windows Messaging: printing
2430 Invalid number of copies.
2431 Printer does not support that many uncollated copies.
2432 The page size is too big.
2433 Arial
2434 Arial
2435 Page %d
2436 &Original Name:
2450 From:
2453 on behalf of
2456 Posted At:
2457 Posted To:
2458 Conversation:
2459 Keywords:
2460 Subject:
2461 Importance:
2462 Sensitivity:
2463 Body:
2464 High
2465 Normal
2466 Low
2467 This is a Personal message.
2468 This is a Private message and cannot be modified by its recipients.
2469 This is a company Confidential message. Forward with caution.
2470 Your message\n
2471 \n To:
2472 \n Cc:
2473 \n Bcc:
2474 \n Subject:
2475 \n Sent:
2476 \nwas read on
2477 \nhas not yet been read. It has either been deleted or moved to a place where it can no longer be tracked. As a result, no further notifications will be sent.
2478 \nwas delivered to the following recipient(s):\n
2479 Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.\n
2480 \nThe following recipient(s) could not be reached:\n
2481 \n %s on
2482 \n %s in distribution list %s on
2483 \n %s
2484 \n The recipient has been deleted or has no e-mail address.
2485 *.*
2486 msg1.txt
2487 .txt
2488 .rtf
2489 .msg
2490 Save As
2491 Save Attachment
2492 Any File (*.*) *.*
2493 Text Only *.* Rich Text Format *.* Message Format *.*
2494 Text Only (*.txt) *.txt
2495 Unknown
2496 %s\nThis File exists with Read Only Attributes.\nPlease us a different name.
2497 %s already exists.
2498 msg1.msg
2499 %s already exists.\nDo you want to replace it ?
2500 Clos&e
2501 Spelling
2502 Re&peated Word:
2503 Ca&pitalization:
2504 Not In Dictionar&y:
2505 (no suggestions)
2506 &Delete
2507 Delete A&ll
2508 &Change
2509 Change A&ll
2510 The spelling check is complete.
2511 Windows Messaging finished checking the selection. Do you want to continue checking the remainder of the document?
2512 The Change To box contains a word that is not found in the main or custom dictionaries. Do you want to use this word and continue checking?
2513 The spell check on this document was halted. Do you want to send anyway?
2515 Properties for Document
2516 General
2517 You are moving or deleting a document that is currently open. It is suggested you save your changes to another file.
2518 Windows Messaging is exiting. Modifications to an open document from Windows Messaging will be lost. It is suggested you save your changes to another file.
2519 Warning: This computer program is protected by copyright law and international treaties.
2520 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this program, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties. Known violators will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law.
2521 General
2522 Read
2523 Send
2524 Colors
2525 Spelling
2526 Options
2527 Services
2531 %ld minute(s)
2532 %s file
2533 Windows Messaging is exiting with some documents still open. Do you want to discard changes?
2534 Properties for %s
2535 Headers
2536 New Message.txt
2538 Recipients
2539 An application still has a file attachment open. Modifications to the open document from Windows Messaging will be lost. It is suggested you save your changes to another file.
2540 Your changes could not be saved because another user has changed the file. Would you like to save the file in your Inbox?
2545 Windows Messaging does not recognize "%.100s".
2546 Create a &new address for "%.100s"?
2547 Windows Messaging found more than one "%.100s".
2548 You cannot create entries for this Address Book
2549 Search Results
2550 &Personal Address Book
2551 T&o
2552 &Cc
2553 &Bcc
2555 &Message recipients:
2556 Find
2557 Add to:
2558 No entries were found.
2559 This field requires a value.
2560 New %s
2561 Do you want to add the selected users?
2562 Are you sure that you want to permanently remove the selected user(s) from this Address Book?
2563 No entries in this Address Book
2564 (No Suggestions)
2565 Recipient
2566 P&roperties
2567 &Send Options...
2568 &Add to Personal Address Book
2569 This 3.x message cannot be opened in the current folder. Do you want to open it from the Inbox?
2570 There was an error opening this 3.x message. Message will be opened using Windows Messaging's standard form.
5009 General
5010 Properties for
5011 Windows Messaging Message
5012 ...
5013 Normal
5014 Low
5015 High
5016 Retrieve
5017 Retrieve a copy
5018 Delete
5019 None
5020 Remote Mail
5026 Transferring Mail
5027 &Deliver Now Ctrl+M
5028 %s Ctrl+%d
5029 All Services Ctrl+M
5030 &Remote Mail
5031 Remote Mail
5701 Find
5710 Items From: %s
5711 Items Sent To: %s
5712 Items with Subject: %s
5713 Items with Body: %s
5715 Items Sent Directly to Me
5716 Items Copied to Me
5753 &Find Items
5754 F&rom
5755 Sent T&o
5801 %lu Match
5802 %lu Matches
5803 %lu Match, %lu Unread
5804 %lu Matches, %lu Unread
5810 New Finder
5811 Searching
5812 Stopped
5813 Monitoring New Items
5920 win.ini
5921 FinderButtons
6051 Show &Messages
6052 &From
6053 Sent T&o
7008 Windows Messaging
7009 System resources are critically low. Close some windows.
9984 The word is too long for the custom dictionary.
9985 The word you are trying to use is too long. The dictionary cannot implement it.
9986 The spelling change you tried to make could not be made. Verify that you have write permission.
9987 Another window could not be opened. Close some Windows Messaging windows and then try again.
9988 The MAPI form manager could not be opened.
9989 Some OLE components need to be updated. Run Windows Messaging Setup.
9990 Windows Messaging could not log on. Check to make sure you are connected to the network and are using the proper server and mailbox name.
9991 Some information could not be saved.
9992 Some information could not be read.
9993 The application associated with this attachment could not be started. Verify the application is installed on your system with a correct directory path.\n
9994 A Windows Messaging component could not be loaded. Close some windows or other applications and try again. If the problem persists, see your administrator.
9995 A default set of folders could not be found. Your active profile must include such a set, such as a personal folder file.
9996 A dialog box is open. Close it and then try again.
9997 The action could not be completed.
9998 Some components of your software are incompatible. See your administrator.
9999 The file could not be created. Verify that you have enough hard disk space.
10000 You need more memory or system resources. Close some windows and try again.
10001 You must enter a value in this field.
10002 You must select a name before this action can be carried out.
10003 Too many items are selected. Try selecting fewer items.
10004 Enter at least one recipient name in the To, Cc, or Bcc box. Type the name(s), or click the To button to open the Address Book.
10005 The command line used to start Windows Messaging is invalid. Double-check the disk drive, directory name(s), and filename, and correct if necessary.
10006 This address list could not be modified. You need either additional permission or more disk space.
10007 You must have an address list to search in. If you don't have an address list, see your administrator.
10008 To display the Properties dialog box, you must select exactly one item.
10009 You must have a personal address book (PAB) to create an entry. Add a PAB to your profile using the Options command on the Tools menu.
10010 If your recipient supports send options, you must first select the recipient name in the To, Cc or Bcc box.
10011 You must enter a name to search for. Type a name or select one from the list.
10012 To perform this action, first close some windows and then try again.
10013 The DLL was not found.\n\n%s
10014 The DLL could not be loaded.\n\n%s
10015 The entry point could not be obtained.\n\n%s
10016 An extension failed to initialize.
10017 This version of Windows Messaging only supports version 4.0 Exchange extensions.\n\n%s
10018 No DLL was specified.\n\n%s
10019 This message does not permit that command.
10020 An attachment is open and could not be closed. Close either the source application or the item containing the attachment.
10021 The contents of the Clipboard have changed since the dialog was opened.
10022 The object could not be created. Verify the application you need is available; that your computer has enough memory; and that you have access permission if the source application or file is on a server.
10023 A problem occurred while working with, or connecting to, a linked or an embedded object or its source application.
10024 The object destination could not be determined. The network or server may be temporarily unavailable. If the problem persists, see your administrator.
10025 Object storage could not be allocated. Try closing some windows to free memory.
10026 This item may not be correctly saved in your Sent Items folder. If you need a copy of the item, ask a recipient to send a copy back to you.
10027 You've exceeded the maximum amount of text.
10028 There are too many addresses in the From box. You can send a message as, or on behalf of, only one person at a time.
10029 The name you entered in the From box is not valid.
10030 A print job is still active.
10031 The message file cannot be opened.
10032 You cannot delete a folder that contains subfolders.
10033 The name is not valid. Type a valid name using any combination of printable characters.
10034 A folder cannot be moved or copied to one of its subfolders.
10035 The view that was defined for this folder could not be applied.
10036 The number in the At Least box cannot be greater than the number in the At Most box.
10037 The date in the From box cannot be later than the date in the To box.
10038 You must select a folder or set of folders.
10039 Too many items are selected. Try selecting fewer items.
10041 You cannot select the same category more than once.
10042 You cannot delete the Inbox, Outbox, Deleted Items, or Sent Items folders.
10043 You cannot move the Inbox, Outbox, Deleted Items, or Sent Items folders.
10044 You cannot reply to a system-generated message.
10045 You cannot sort on a property that you are using to group items by.
10046 One or more folders you selected could not be deleted. You may need additional access permission. See your administrator.
10047 One or more folders you selected could not be moved. You may need additional access permission. See your administrator.
10048 One or more folders you selected could not be copied. You may need additional access permission. See your administrator.
10049 The item below could not be determined. You may be moving or deleting the bottom item in the folder contents list.
10050 The item above could not be determined. You may be moving or deleting the top item in the folder contents list.
10051 A window could not be created.
10052 You need additional permission to perform this operation. See your administrator.
10053 The conditions you specified are not valid. Check your entries and correct them as needed.
10054 The name could not be matched to a name in the address list.
10056 Printing could not be canceled.
10057 The file data could not pass through the print spooler. See your administrator.
10058 The print spooler could not read the end-of-file character. The file may be corrupted. See your administrator.
10059 The file data could not pass through the print spooler. See your administrator.
10060 The file data could not pass through the print spooler. See your administrator.
10061 Next print band could not be retrieved.
10062 The page size is too small. Change the Size setting in the Print Setup dialog box.
10063 The page size is too large. Change the Size setting in the Print Setup dialog box.
10064 Printing could not be canceled.
10065 A file error occurred while a temporary copy of the attachment was being created. The action could not be completed.
10066 The Print dialog box could not be displayed.
10067 Windows Messaging could not determine the user name. Printing will continue.
10068 The file could not be opened.
10069 An error occurred during a file write operation. You may need more disk space.
10070 The object data isn't stored in the message.
10071 A temporary file needed for this action could not be created.
10072 A directory cannot be inserted. Only individual items can be inserted.
10073 The document summary information could not be read. Either the file is corrupted or the document lacks readable summary information.
10074 The file could not be opened because it is locked for read or write operations.
10075 An error occurred while creating a new file. The action could not be completed.
10076 An error occurred while the file was being saved or transferred.
10077 The dialog box could not be opened. Your computer may be low on memory. Close some windows or other applications and try again.
10078 An error occurred while the spelling was being checked.
10079 The spelling checker could not be started. Some components are either missing or incorrectly configured in your WIN.INI file. See your administrator.
10080 The spelling checker could not be started. Some components are either missing or incorrectly configured in your WIN.INI file. See your administrator.
10081 The spelling checker you have installed is not compatible with this version of the program. See your administrator.
10082 The word could not be added to the custom dictionary. Verify that you have full access permission to the location of the custom dictionary.
10083 A custom dictionary has not been opened.
10084 The custom dictionary was opened with read-only permission. Any changes to it cannot be saved.
10085 An error occurred while changes made to the custom dictionary were being saved.
10086 The DLL specified by the ImportMailData entry in the registry could not be loaded.
10087 You need additional disk space to complete this operation.
10088 No help is available for this command.
10089 You need more memory or system resources to execute the extension. Close some windows, and try again.\n\n%s
10090 Could not find ML3XEC16.EXE, which is required to execute the extension.\n\n%s
10091 The extension entry contains invalid parameters.\n\n%s
10092 This version of Windows Messaging only supports version 3.0 Mail extensions.\n\n%s
10093 The source application for the object could not be started.
10094 The DLL specified by the Schedule+ entry in the registry could not be loaded.
10096 The new message body is full. To avoid overwriting the original text, the original message header may be only partially added.
10097 The ordinal number specified for the extension is not valid.\n\n%s
10098 The menu specified for the extension is not valid.\n\n%s
10099 The SHARED.INI or SHARED32.INI file could not be found at "%s". Please check that the path to this file is specified correctly in your MSMAIL.INI file or in the registry.
10100 The item selected has already been launched.
10101 Some extensions could not be loaded. Check to make sure that the extensions specified in your Shared.INI and MSMAIL.INI files are correct.
10102 This command could not be carried out because the message has been moved or deleted.
10103 Windows Messaging has detected an incompatible version of CTL3D32.DLL. Some things may not work correctly. Please contact your system administrator.
10104 An error occurred while determining the attachment format.
10105 Cannot open the attachment. Its format is not consistent with the property set.
10106 %s Launching default form instead.
10107 This shortcut file is of an outdated version. Create a new shortcut to this folder.
10108 Write failed.
10109 The selection name is not valid.
10110 A selection by that name already exists.
10111 The default AutoSignature could not be inserted. Use AutoSignature from the Tools menu to create a new default AutoSignature.
10112 The AutoSignature could not be inserted. Use AutoSignature from the Tools menu to recreate this AutoSignature.
10113 Selection could not be opened.
10114 Name field is empty.
10115 There was a problem opening your AutoSignature file.
10116 No selection.
10117 Failed on insert.
10118 Object could not be deleted.
10119 Could not load list of available selections.
10120 Out of OLE item memory.
10121 A problem occurred setting up selection information for the extension.\n\n%s
10122 You cannot reply to an unsent message.
10123 Object could not be moved.
10124 The action could not be carried out because an attachment has been modified.
10992 Windows Messaging Client
10994 The address list could not be accessed.
10995 Some of the recipient names could not be saved.
10996 The Properties dialog box could not be displayed.
10997 Some recipient names could not be added.
10998 The Find window could not be displayed.
10999 The search could not be completed.
11000 Some names could not be added to the Personal Address Book.
11001 Some names could not be deleted from the address list.
11002 The user name could not be added to the address list.
11003 A new message could not be created.
11004 The default Address Book could be changed.
11005 The address list could not be displayed.
11006 A new entry could not be added.
11007 One or more changes you made could not be saved.
11008 Address Book options could not be displayed.
11009 One or more recipient names could not be found in the address list. Check the spelling of the names and try again.
11010 An error has occurred.
11011 The list of new entry types could not be displayed.
11012 Per-recipient send options could not be set.
11013 The address list could not be updated.
11014 An extension is not correctly registered. See your administrator.
11015 An extension could not be loaded. See your administrator.
11016 The item could not be displayed.
11017 The item could not be sent.
11018 Changes to the item could not be saved.
11019 The object could not be inserted.
11020 The formatting changes could not be applied.
11021 You cannot select any names now.
11022 Some of the recipient names could not be identified.
11023 A problem occurred while browsing the address list.
11024 The item could not be closed.
11025 The item could not be copied.
11026 The item could not be moved.
11027 The item could not be deleted.
11028 The object could not be displayed as an icon.
11029 The Viewer could not be opened.
11030 The folder could not be opened.
11031 The folder could not be viewed.
11032 An item could not be deleted.
11033 An item could not be moved.
11034 An item could not be copied.
11035 The folder could not be created.
11036 The folder or set of folders could not be renamed.
11037 The set of folders could not be opened.
11038 The columns could not be viewed or modified.
11039 The sorting order could not be changed.
11040 The filter you specified could not be applied.
11041 The view could not be saved.
11042 The view could not be restored.
11043 The values specified are not valid. Check your entries and correct them as needed.
11044 The items in the folder could not be grouped.
11045 The command you specified could not be carried out.
11046 The parent folder could not be opened.
11047 The grouping you specified is not valid.
11048 The Viewer could not be closed.
11049 Some of the windows from a previous session could not be restored.
11050 The placement of some windows could not be saved.
11051 A new window could not be opened.
11052 The view could not be applied.
11053 The Find window could not be opened.
11054 The search could not be started.
11055 The search could not be stopped.
11056 The Find window could not be closed.
11057 The Remote Mail window could not be closed.
11058 An error occurred during the connection.
11061 The items could not be unmarked.
11062 The item could not be marked.
11063 The mail headers could not be displayed.
11064 The column header could not be displayed.
11065 The Remote Mail window could not be opened.
11066 The Remote Mail window has encountered an error.
11067 The item's properties could not be displayed.
11068 The transport's options could not be set.
11069 The Advanced dialog box could not be displayed.
11070 The conditions you specified are not valid. Check your entries and correct them as needed.
11071 The list of profiles could not be loaded.
11072 The list of Address Books could not be loaded.
11073 A new profile could not be created.
11074 The profile could not be copied.
11076 The action could not be completed.
11078 The information service cannot be copied.
11079 The file could not be added to the folder.
11080 The default set of folders could not be specified.
11081 The name could not be resolved.
11082 The item(s) could not be printed.
11083 The attachment(s) could not be printed.
11084 The user name to be included in the printed header could not be determined.
11085 The file could not be inserted.
11086 The item could not be inserted.
11087 The file could not be saved.
11088 The attachment(s) could not be displayed.
11089 The item(s) could not be saved.
11090 The attachment(s) could not be saved.
11091 The spelling operation could not be completed.
11092 Windows Messaging could not be started.
11093 A new window could not be opened.
11094 Could not exit Windows Messaging.
11095 The dialog box could not be displayed.
11096 The folder you selected could not be opened.
11097 The form could not be registered.
11098 The shortcut could not be created.
11099 The AutoSignature operation could not be completed.
11100 The item could not be saved. A service failure may have corrupted its content. Copy the content of this item to a new item, or save this item as a text or rich-text file.
11101 The item could not be saved. A service failure may have corrupted its content and/or attachments. Save the content as a text or rich-text file, and insert it plus any attachments into a new message.
20000 Moves, sizes, or closes the window
20010 Contains commands for managing items
20011 Opens the selected item
20012 Sends the item
20013 Saves the item in a folder
20014 Saves the item in a different location
20016 Moves the item
20017 Copies the item
20020 Creates a new folder
20021 Deletes the item
20022 Renames the selected folder
20023 Displays or changes properties of the item
20025 Prints the item
20026 Imports information from Microsoft Mail Server
20029 Adds the item to the Personal Address Book
20030 Closes the window
20032 Quits Windows Messaging
20033 Quits all messaging applications
20035 Posts the item in the folder
20036 Creates a shortcut (file) to the folder
20037 Deletes all items from the folder
20040 Contains commands for editing
20041 Undoes the last change
20042 Moves the selection to the Clipboard
20043 Copies the selection to the Clipboard
20044 Inserts the Clipboard contents at the insertion point
20045 Inserts the Clipboard contents as a link, object, or other format
20046 Selects all items or information
20049 Marks selected items as read
20050 Marks selected items as unread
20051 Marks all items in the folder as read
20052 Marks selected items to be retrieved
20053 Marks selected items to be copied
20054 Marks selected items to be deleted
20055 Unmarks marked items
20056 Finds specified text
20057 Replaces specified text
20059 Displays, updates, opens, or removes links
20060 Activates the selected object
20061 Converts or activates the object as another type
20068 Displays properties of the selected name
20070 Contains commands for changing window options
20071 Shows or hides the folder list
20072 Shows or hides the toolbar
20073 Shows or hides the Formatting toolbar
20074 Shows or hides the status bar
20075 Opens a new window displaying the open folder
20076 Opens the Inbox
20077 Opens the Outbox
20078 Sorts items in the window
20079 Selects and arranges columns
20080 Filters items in the window
20082 Groups items in the window
20083 Creates or changes a view
20084 Displays views available for all folders
20085 Displays views available for the selected folder
20086 Changes the title of the Find window
20087 Displays the previous item
20088 Displays the next item
20090 Shows or hides the From box
20091 Shows or hides the Bcc box
20092 Expands all grouped items
20093 Collapses all grouped items
20100 Contains commands for inserting files, messages, or objects
20101 Inserts a file at the insertion point
20102 Inserts an item in a folder at the insertion point
20103 Inserts an object at the insertion point
20104 Inserts an ink object at the insertion point
20105 Inserts an AutoSignature
20110 Contains commands for formatting text and graphics
20111 Changes the appearance of selected characters
20112 Changes the appearance of selected paragraphs
20120 Contains commands for Windows Messaging utilities
20121 Connects to a specified information service
20122 Delivers mail
20123 Displays information about possible mail recipients
20124 Finds items in a folder
20125 Creates or changes an AutoSignature
20126 Connects to the server
20129 Disconnects from the server
20130 Opens the Remote Mail window
20131 Checks spelling
20133 Checks recipient names
20134 Selects and arranges toolbar buttons
20135 Changes options for a specified information service
20136 Changes Windows Messaging options
20140 Operations on the recipient object
20141 Displays properties of the recipient
20142 Shows the recipient's send options
20143 Add the recipient to the Personal Address Book
20150 Contains commands for creating and replying to items
20151 Opens a New Message form
20152 Opens a New Post form for this folder
20153 Replies to the folder with a post form
20154 Replies to the sender of the message
20155 Replies to all recipients of the message
20156 Sends a copy of the message
20160 Contains commands for getting help
20161 Displays Help topics
20162 Displays program information
20190 Opens the message
20191 Opens the file
20192 Prints the file
20194 Saves the file
20195 Renames the file
20196 Operations on the file object
20197 Activates the selected object
20204 Sorts in ascending order
20205 Sorts in descending order
20207 Chooses the folder to look in
20209 Displays or changes properties of the item
20221 Prints the item
20222 Requests or cancels a Read Receipt
20223 Assigns or removes high importance
20224 Assigns or removes low importance
20226 Goes to the folder one level up
20227 Show Schedule+ schedule for logged on user
20233 Formats the selection with the chosen color
20251 Makes the selection bold (toggle)
20252 Makes the selection italic (toggle)
20253 Formats the selection with a continuous underline (toggle)
20254 Inserts a bullet on this line
20255 Decreases indent one level
20256 Increases indent one level
20257 Left-justifies paragraph
20258 Center-justifies paragraph
20259 Right-justifies paragraph
20284 Get Help on a Command or Screen Region
20300 Activates the selected object
20400 Applies this personal view
20500 Applies this folder view
20600 Opens the Remote Mail window
20700 Connects to the specified information service
21011 Open
21012 Send
21013 Save
21014 Save As
21016 Move Item
21017 Copy Item
21018 New Entry
21019 New Message
21020 New Folder
21021 Delete
21022 Rename
21023 Properties
21029 Add to Personal Address Book
21035 Post
21041 Undo
21042 Cut
21043 Copy
21044 Paste
21046 Select All
21049 Mark as Read
21050 Mark as Unread
21052 Mark to Retrieve
21053 Mark to Retrieve a Copy
21054 Mark to Delete
21055 Unmark All
21056 Find
21057 Replace
21071 Show/Hide Folder List
21076 Inbox
21077 Outbox
21087 Previous
21088 Next
21101 Insert File
21102 Insert Message
21103 Insert Object
21104 Insert Ink Object
21105 Insert AutoSignature
21122 Deliver Now
21123 Address Book
21124 Find
21126 Connect
21129 Disconnect
21131 Spelling
21133 Check Names
21151 New Message
21152 New Post in This Folder
21153 Post Reply in This Folder
21154 Reply to Sender
21155 Reply to All
21156 Forward
21221 Print
21222 Read Receipt
21223 Importance: High
21224 Importance: Low
21225 Folder List
21226 Up One Level
21227 Show Schedule
21231 Font
21232 Font Size
21233 Color
21251 Bold
21252 Italic
21253 Underline
21254 Bullets
21255 Decrease Indent
21256 Increase Indent
21257 Align Left
21258 Center
21259 Align Right
21284 Help
22011 File - Open
22012 File - Send
22013 File - Save
22014 File - Save As...
22016 File - Move...
22017 File - Copy...
22020 File - New Folder...
22021 File - Delete
22022 File - Rename...
22023 File - Properties
22035 File - Post
22041 Edit - Undo
22042 Edit - Cut
22043 Edit - Copy
22044 Edit - Paste
22046 Edit - Select All
22049 Edit - Mark as Read
22050 Edit - Mark as Unread
22056 Edit - Find...
22057 Edit - Replace...
22071 View - Folders
22076 Goes to Inbox
22077 Goes to Outbox
22087 View - Previous
22088 View - Next
22101 Insert - File...
22102 Insert - Message...
22103 Insert - Object...
22104 Insert - Ink Object
22105 Insert - AutoSignature
22122 Tools - Deliver Now
22123 Tools - Address Book
22124 Tools - Find...
22131 Tools - Spelling
22133 Tools - Check Names
22151 Compose - New Message
22152 Compose - New Post in This Folder
22153 Compose - Post Reply in This Folder
22154 Compose - Reply to Sender
22155 Compose - Reply to All
22156 Compose - Forward
22221 File - Print...
22222 File - Properties - Read Receipt
22223 File - Properties - Importance: High
22224 File - Properties - Importance: Low
22225 Folder List
22226 Goes to the folder one level up
22227 Show Schedule
22284 Help
22921 Retrieval Time
22928 Remote Action
22931 Retrieval time: %s, size: %s
22932 Last update: %s
22934 Retrieval size: %s%s
22946 Retrieval time: %s%s
22947 %s%s item marked
22948 %s%s items marked
23801 Title
23802 Document Subject
23803 Author
23804 Keywords
23806 Template
23807 Last Saved By
23808 Revision Number
23809 Edit Time
23810 Printed
23811 Created
23812 Modified
23813 Pages
23814 Words
23815 Characters
23816 Application Name
23817 Security
23818 Category
23819 Presentation Format
23820 Bytes
23821 Lines
23822 Paragraphs
23823 Slides
23824 Notes
23825 Hidden Slides
23826 Multimedia Clips
23827 Scale
23828 Document Parts
23829 Manager
23830 Company
23831 Links Dirty
23840 You have new mail
23841 Read Receipt
23842 Non-Read Receipt
23843 Delivery Receipt
23844 Non-Delivery Receipt
23846 Windows Messaging Shortcut *.*
23847 Create Shortcut
24000 chars
24001 pixels
24002 ascending
24003 descending
24004 On
24005 Off
24006 Modify View
24007 Are you sure you want to delete '%s'?
24008 '%s' is the initial view for this folder. Do you still want to delete this view?
24009 '%s' is the name of an existing view. Please choose another name.
24010 '%s' is not a recognized column. Please choose another name.
24011 No messages selected. Please choose at least one message.
24012 You have received new mail.\n\nDo you want to read your new mail now?
24013 There is still mail in your Outbox; exit anyway?
24014 <Current View>
24015 Folder Views
24016 (None)
24017 None defined
24018 You cannot add this column above a column that is being used to Group messages.
24019 This column is being used to Group messages. To remove this column, open the Group By dialog and remove the grouped column.
24020 Normal
24021 Group by From
24022 Group by Subject
24023 Group by Conversation Topic
24024 Items with attachments
24025 Items without attachments
24026 Low Importance
24027 Normal Importance
24028 High Importance
24030 Are you sure that you want to permanently delete the selected item(s)?
24031 There is a newer version of Windows Messaging available. Would you like to upgrade now? The client may not function if you do not upgrade.